neděle 21. srpna 2011

some newthings


                                                    someday,this is gonna be john lennon

Gia Maria Carangi

Milena Dvorská

Natalie Woodová

Dana Morávková

středa 18. května 2011

pondělí 16. května 2011

My ToP 15 movie songs

Some of the best song was created for I made a list of songs I consider the best ones.If you share my opinion,I would be pleased :o)

15. I put a spell on you 
B.Midler from hocus pocus. quite cool song bett is awesome

14.jedním tahem 
(by one  draw...) V.Neckář
from Šíleně smutná princezna (insanly sad princess :o))

screw lyrics too hard for me :o) the grammar is killing me! well he is so happy she loves him ,claiming he is not an artists and love gives him an inspiration to draw the hearts all over the jail walls .

13.když v baru houstne dým (when the smoke is thickening )
K.Fialová from Limonádový Joe (Lemonade Joe)

when the smoke is thickening,whit drink I  am sitting  and dreaming oh,so hard,twhen will comes the champion of my heart..Only he would get,everything,everything I have, when is he comming,how do I know? the smoke is thickening again.when the smoke is thickening,whit drink I  am sitting  and dreaming oh,so hard,that will comes the champion of my heart.
12.Sweet transvestite 
T.Curry from Rocky horror piscture show 

i like this movie,it its decadent but still,the song are good,and tim curry has remarkable voice right?

Kathleen Battle from House of the flying daggers

I love zhiyi in Hero,rushhours2,Memoirs of geisha,and so on.And tha martials arts as well.

10.Dude looks like a lady 
Aerosmith, from Mrs.Doubtfire

do doubt about it!

9.Bigger the figure 
Louis Prima from Igor

8.All I want is you 
Barry louis Pollisar from Juno

7. We are gonna be friends
White Stripes  from Napoleon Dynamite ♥

well I could not find opening credits but thees pictures are so cute :o)

Simon and Gurfankle from The Graduate 

5.Tíha  (burden of love)
J.Štědroň Popelka (cinderella)

tell me why the moon is pale,why the rose is red 
why your smile makes me sleepless,what all that means
the stars are shining trough the dark night,but I can hardly notice
what has happend to me? why suddenly I feel 
the burden,oh such a sweet burden
which you,my love crushes me,the rose in your cleavage
and moment of precious  privatness.and I feel the burden,oh such a sweet burden 
powerful strong and gentle feeling and as a birds are following the south,as I would always follow you
speaking:,,I am standing here,weak,your breath is coressing me and attracts me with magnetic strenght 
everithing tells me that it is love and I´m begging you please,relieve me from that burden ...
Sings ...the burden,oh such a sweet burden 
powerful strong and gentle feeling and as a birds are following the south,i will always fallow you :o)

4..As the world falls down 
 .D.Bowie from Labyrinth

3.Enjoy yourself it's later than you think
from everyone says I love you

2.Já hledám štěstí (I seek for happyness)
from Lásky mezi kapkami deště (Love between the rain drops) 1980 

sad son,woman seeks for happyness,she cannot find it,but she won´t stop searchin even if veryone betraid her.

1.You dont own me 
L.Gore from the First wives club


neděle 15. května 2011

ToP Czech fairy tales

Fairy tales from Czechoslovakia are one of the most beautiful movies eveeeeer !.

10.Princezna ze mlejna 1994
(princess from the mill)
Jindra wants to marry princess,he goes away from home and he finds a job in the mill.The miller has daughter eliška.she is in love with Jindra,but he is still looking for princes.The little devil,the duke and water sprite are in love with eliska.they all want to marry her.Eliska makes up two tasks for them : a gift and a song.By the time jindra fall in love with her and he wins all the tasks.

9.Tři oříšky pro popelku 1973
(Three hazelnuts for cindrella)
few versions of cindrella story combined, and the actress is something like a czech Audrey Hepburn.(the  cute one in fur vest)

8.Pyšná princezna 1952
(Proud princess)
Heeey cool,full version enjoy :o)
 the good  king Miroslav of neighbour kingdom in disguise as a gardener,trying s to change spoiled princess  Krasomila,they fall in love,they runaway,she finds out the truth that he is a king an she is like OMG....Cute cofuzed king,three selfish on..

7.byl jednou jeden král 1955
(Once upon a time,there was a king...)
King who has three daughters ,invites three princes to marry and pass the kingdom to the  daughter,which loves him most.his youngest Maruska tells him,she loves him as much as a salt.That offences him,and he decides to destroy all salt in the kingdom.Maruska runs away to her fairy godmother ,and she fells in love with fisherman.King finaly realize that you cant live without salt and fairy godmother gives him magic bottomles cup of salt.Princes runs away and princesess marries fisherman,backpiper and gardener,king marries widow and he keeps on the throne.

6.Silene smutna princezna 1968
(Insainly sad princess)
nice story,featuring two of the best czech singers:o)
prince Václav is going with his father to the fellow kingdom to marry princess Helena.But he runs away,and he meets pretty maid .He wants to see princess,but guards catches him and put him into the jail.The maid visites him,later she tells him that she is the princess.And he persueides her to pretend she is very sad and tell her father,that sehe only marries a man,who makes her laugh. he succeded,but the king puts him in jail again,.princes father is angry that princess refused to marry his son and declares a war to the kingdom,but they are koming to visit the jail adn they finds out that princ and the princes are in love.

5.Zlatovláska 1973
(goldielocks... not bears involved,but charming...cook :o)
The cruel king eats magic snake and he can understand what animals says.While cooking,the cook Jiří tastes a little bit of it and understands to animals too.King finds out when he overheard conversation between two birds talking about girl with golden hair.King sends Jirík to bring him Goldielocks to marry.But of course princess and Jirí fall in love,father of Goldie gives him three tasks :pick up pearles from the meadow,find ring in the deep lake and bring magic water.His animal friends he helped during the voyage.When they come bac,the king cuts jiriks head,cause he know princes loves him,but princes brings jířík back to live with that magic water. king saw her,and he wants to use the water to be younger,but the water kills him.

he must choose the right one between her 12 sisters.The Fly helps him to pick her.

4.Jak se budí princezny 1978
(How to wake a princesses)
well it is just sleeping beauty
people are destroying thorns to protect princess.
Great song it is sung by helena vondrácková,btw princess from The sad princess story )

3.Dařbuján a Pandrhola 1960

Amazing story about poor caol-miner Darbujan, who has 7 kids,and  a rich farmer Pandrhola.
When Darbujan seeks for a godfather for his newborn daughter,he refuses the Devil and the God, and finaly,he asks the Death an he agrees.They become friends and Death gives him power to cure ill people,only if is he standing next to feet of the patient.Darbujan uses amuzing methos to treat his patients.
But..pandrhola get´s ill and his wife would do anything to bring Darbujan,cause other doctors werent able to help her husband .But Darbujan requires ridiculus tings such as dressed oxan,trees full of saussages and (by my opinion the best condition is..) streem of beer!!

2.Hrátky s čertem 1956
( Playing cards with Devil )
The soldier Martin is a wanderer.He meets  an old bandit called Sarkafara.Meanwile the devil Lucius seduces maid Káča to give him her soul for a groom.She  persuades princess Disperanda to do so as well,and Káča  gives their souls subscriptions to Martin,thinkin that he is a devil.At night,he wants to sleep in the old mill,but Sarkafarka tells him,that in the mill scares devils.he dont mind so he stays and at the midnight he plays cards with them,and accidentaly he puts the souls notes in the game,the devils cheeted and won the souls.Martin is sad and he goes downt to hell to get the souls back.

1.Popelka 1968


this is my personaly favourite movie..and song  we will be together I know

sobota 14. května 2011

My ToP 10 Movies from 80´

my favs !

10.Back to the future I. 1985

R.Zemeckis  This is just legen................wait for it!....................................dary legendary :o)         

9.Beetle Juice 1988
T.Burton is simply bizar genius.

shake shake shake signora! heel yea.

8.Little shop of horrors 1986 
F.Oz  Steve Martin is sooo amazing and that sceen with bill murray is just perfect!

hah found it!

7.The breakfast Club 1985
J.Hughes that man did know the high school :o)
Well..a little note...our highschools are different a lot!

6.Bloodsport 1988
 I basicaly grew up on that movie...really and I loved it!

5.Labyrinth 1986
J.Hanson hmm David Bowie is Handsom woman :o)

Best song is As the world falls down,but I´ll keep it for my next top 10 of movie songs okay?

4.Who Framed Roger rabbit 1988
R.Zemeckis another movie of my childehood(despite the fact a vas born in1991)...

3.Heathers 1988

 really cooland  great black comedy...and that sceen when her mother calls winona to dinner..It always crack s me out!

2.Peggy Sue got married 1986
(peggy sue se vdává) F.F Copola  

I wonder why i love this movie like I do :o) 

1.Amadeus 1984
M.Forman yeah he is OUR´s director! this movie is brilliant.

btw great cut ! 

Who wouldn´t want day off like this?

Coolest movie,best song  + sweetest Alan Ruck ♥
And don´t forget! Save Ferris

úterý 26. dubna 2011


mno tak po dluhé době jsem se zase pustila do toho svého čmáráni.Dnešní hodina vývojové psychologie mě ponoukla k tomu,abych se začala připravovat na stáří ...mít koníčka jímž bych se zabavila...tak na tom makám :o)

aaachjo ty oči...njn

shall we dance?
on the brite cloud of music shall we fly? (nápady na pozadí? plííís?)

hmmm je to kreslené podle fota amy adams,ale vyšla mi z toho nicol kidman :/


eperiment 2

podle fota scarlet johanson,...ale zase nic no..

chloe sevigni

zhii zhang ♥

sophie dahl :o)

calum blue ♥ je uzasnej "!!!!!ale co s nim dál? vybarvit či nechat?..hmmmmmm

pondělí 17. ledna 2011

latest :o)

juliet na začátku...
skvělej film R+J z roku 1968 asi se opičim alestejne nejsem jediný člověk,kterému se ten film líbí..když mi bylo dvanáct tak jsem byla skoro 3 roky zabouchnutá to withinga...(btw hral v tom romea)

jake ?
njn nikče jsem slíbila jakea gylenhalla ..jednoho sem uz nakreslila tužkou ale ztratil se mi v tom mim nepořádku ...:oP no ale tohle je lepší...až na tu pusu...taje fakt hnusna...ale to uz by to bylo moc dokonaly že?!  :oD 
juliet/Olivia Hussey
Ona je tak roztomilá sice rikaji ze v tom filmu ji pry bylo jen 15 ale ona je rocník 1951..tak si to sami zpočítáte ,kolik ji bylo,že? jinak sem ji jeste videla v Ivanhoeovi 1982..size je ji uz prez tricet ale neni to poznat.

Edward andBella /twilight saga..
jak jsem uvedla nejsem fanda....videla jsem jen 1.díl,líbil se mi,to jo...ale nemam potřebu vědet jak to celé dopadne(ale kamaradka mi to už řekla...a moc mě to nezaujalo) mno nic..jinak je to podle ty fotky jak se mi libila,mozna ji sem hodim...a navic pattinson je celkem peknej...:o)

john and paul?
hmm jo...měli to být oni....vysel mi z toho trochu abstraktní portret ne? ba ne je to dost infantilní...ale budu se o to snažit znovu..a pak to spolu porovnáme :o) jinak beatles jsou nejlepsí kapela vsech dob !!!! 
ou jéé áájj,tel jů samting...a tink jů andrstéénd ,..ááj vont tu hold joor heeeend xoD

středa 12. ledna 2011

akvarel+ grafit ♥

no jo...tak jsem to nevydržela...dnes jsem si koupila nove barvy a proste sem je musela vyzkoušet....ošahat si je jak malujou a podobně...něco málo z toho vzniklo,neni to nic moc...

dalsi laura kombinace grafitu s akvarelem noo

mno jakoby amelie ale jeste ji musim víc procvičit...

mno pokus o o.hussey v r+j....hlava je dost spatna...ale saty se mi celkem povedly ne?

mno edward a bella... 
..Ja twilight sagu moc nežeru,ale nasla sem moc pěknou fotečku...tak si ji zkoušim

jee koukam ze ty saty vypadaj ze sou pruhleny...ale jdou jen spatně vystínovaný!

laura kirkpatrik ANTM 13 finnalist
skvělá fotka mojí favoritky z Americas next top model...z uzasnyho focení na hawai kde se fotily jako míšenky.Laura byla myslim řekyně nevim...

in development/stále v úpravě 

..ja ji mam moc rada..nedavno o ni davali na cineme film.....chudak holka...a navic mame ve třídě holčinu,ktera ji jakoby z oka vypadla ...

úterý 11. ledna 2011

místo učení se biochemie.....

Na uvod chci zaznamenat...že tyto prace (pokud se to tak da nazvat...byli již zkritizovany,za což jsem vděčná, a ja si to beru k srdci...takže ted sem dlooohou dobu nic nepřidam,ne ze bych přestala ale budu pečlivější...  :o)

Podle fota Anne Hathaway....a sílene mi silhá a ta její ruka je hnusna...

eextra rozmazaný silhavý zooooooooooom :o)

ehmm no gong li 

Anna Friel ....a vubec se mi to nepovedlo ...není to podobný..ale co